MATCH+ AI Screening

Our Explainable Match+ enables job talent matching with explainable insights including skills breakdown, job roles similarity and experience relevance.

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1-Click Explainability and Insights with Generative AI

Experience unmatched precision with breakdown on skills, experience and job-title relevance along with insights that provide transparency into every match.

Maximize your ROI, drive transparency, and create meaningful job-talent matches with Match+ and quickly identify the most qualified candidates for a given role.

Transparent & Explainable Matching like never before with Match+

Leverage Senseloaf embeddings trained on a large dataset to understand accurate relations between taxonomies in jobs career data across industries
Deep Understanding

Senseloaf AI quantifies skills, job roles and experiences, and analyze all information semantically for enhanced understanding and matching

Skills Relevance

Map candidate skills to job requirements to uncover overlaps, expandable skills, and transferable skills for enhanced fitment understanding

Experience Relevance

Evaluate the candidate's experience for relevance to job requirements, roles, recent experiences, and industry-specific knowledge alignment

Job role relevance

Compare candidate earlier job roles with job role requirements, ensuring alignment and suitability

Skills Gap analysis

Identify missing skills in candidates, highlighting areas for improvement and development

Explainable Insights

Generate matching insights and explainability on each parameters promoting transparency, trust and understanding

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“The Document Parsing feature has greatly increased efficiency for our customers to create talent into our platform. It saves enormous time to feed accurate information. Highly recommend it ! “

Kumar Mayank,
CEO, Zimyo

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